These 5 Books Will Save Your Life

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Essential Reads for Navigating Life’s Dangers

In today's uncertain world, personal security is more important than ever. 

Whether it's navigating the streets of a bustling city or simply understanding the nuances of human behavior, having a solid grasp of personal security principles is invaluable.  

I’m a big book person. I’m always reading, always looking for some new insight that will help push my understanding about the world and, in particular, personal security.  

The author Ryan Holiday uses a term for books that are so powerful they shake you to your very core. He calls them quake books. 

My list of quake books is extensive, but if you’re looking to hone your skills and perfect your understanding of personal security, here are five books that lay the foundation for living with certainty in an uncertain world.  

1/ The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker

The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals that Protect Us from Violence is a groundbreaking book that empowers readers to trust their intuition when it comes to personal safety. DeBecker delves into the psychology behind fear and intuition, providing valuable insights into how to recognize and respond to potential threats. By understanding the power of intuition, readers can learn to navigate dangerous situations with confidence and precision.  

Biggest takeaway: Learn to trust your intuition. 

2/ On Combat by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman 

In On Combat: The Psychology & Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War & Peace, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman explores how individuals perform under extreme stress.  As an internationally recognized scholar, author, soldier, and speaker who is one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of human aggression and the roots of violence and violent crime, Grossman draws from his own experiences and an immense body of research to offers valuable lessons on how to condition yourself to perform effectively in life-and-death situations. By understanding the factors that influence human performance under stress, readers can learn to thrive in challenging environments. 

Biggest takeaway: We don’t rise to the occasion; we fall to the level of our training. 

3/ What Every BODY Is Saying by Joe Navarro 

Joe Navarro's What Every BODY Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People is a comprehensive guide to understanding nonverbal communication. Navarro provides valuable insights into the subtle cues and gestures that reveal a person's true intentions.  

Biggest takeaway: By learning to read body language effectively, readers can improve their interactions in general as well as their ability to assess potential threats.  

4/ The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout 

Martha Stout's The Sociopath Next Door offers a chilling glimpse into the world of sociopaths and psychopaths. Stout explores the behaviors and traits of these individuals, shedding light on their often-hidden presence in society.  

Biggest takeaway: By understanding the nature of sociopathic behavior, readers can better protect themselves from manipulation and exploitation. 

5/ The Unthinkable by Amanda Ripley 

In The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - and Why, Amanda Ripley examines who survives emergencies and disasters and why. Drawing on extensive research and real-life examples, Ripley offers an invaluable perspective into the psychology of survival. 

Biggest takeaway: By understanding the dynamics of crisis situations, readers can better understand how to become resilient under pressure and survive life and death events.  

In an increasingly complex world, mastering personal security is more important than ever.  

By delving into the insights offered by these five essential books, readers can gain valuable knowledge and skills to navigate any situation with confidence and resilience.  

Whether you're concerned about street safety or simply want to understand human behavior better, these books are sure to provide invaluable guidance on your journey to perfecting your personal security. 

Also worth mentioning, that these books (and many others) laid some of the groundwork for my own book:  

Live Ready: A Guide to Protecting Yourself in an Uncertain World. 

Live Ready is a book about dangerous people—about predators who live in our midst and who violate our social contract with impunity. 

It’s also a book about navigating a world filled with such people. It shows you how to recognize them, how to understand their methods and motivations, how to keep them at a safe remove from yourself and your loved ones (and when that’s not possible, how to defeat them). 

As Louis Pasteur once remarked, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” LIVE READY offers  a way to prepare our minds and bodies to live in a world full of risk and dangerous people—and when necessary, to become dangerous ourselves. 


Honorable Mentions  

  • Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking
    by Malcolm Gladwell 

  • Evil Minds: Understanding & Responding to Violent Predators
    by Robert Meadows & Julie Kuhnel

  • Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life
    by Amy Herman

  • Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit
    by John Douglas

  • Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life
    by Patrick Van Horne & Jason A. Riley

  • Just 2 Seconds: Using Time & Science to Defeat Assassins
    by Tom Taylor & Gavin De Becker

  • Deadly Force Encounters: Cops & Citizens Defending Themselves & Others
    by Alexis Artwohl, Ph.D. & Loren W. Christensen

  • The Most Dangerous Animal: Human Nature & the Origins of War 
    by David Livingstone Smith 

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